Sara's Travel Blog is a way for me to share all the things I have done and learned about while I was over here in Serbia/Europe, so sit back, pour yourself a glass, and ENJOY!
*A little side note: if you are just starting to read this, start from the bottom blogs (the older blogs) and work your way to the top, so you can get the true sense of my trip!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Bowling with the Family!

We had just finished with Christmas yesterday and wanted to get out of the house for a while, so we went to the Mall Today we went bowling.The mall is called "Delta City Mall." It is very similar to the Maine Mall, but bigger; it has three floors. They were starting to decorate for their Christmas.
We had a lot of fun bowling....
Alek waiting his turn.
Jan getting a spare!!

The Pro at work!! haha

Brother and sisterly love!
Malina aka Strawberry showing us how it's done! hehe

Jagos...yea I don't know what he's doing!

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