Sara's Travel Blog is a way for me to share all the things I have done and learned about while I was over here in Serbia/Europe, so sit back, pour yourself a glass, and ENJOY!
*A little side note: if you are just starting to read this, start from the bottom blogs (the older blogs) and work your way to the top, so you can get the true sense of my trip!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day #1 of Shopping!!

Today I went food and beauty supply shopping with Jan! We went to Pijaca (Piy-zah), which is a giant farmers market here in Belgrade. The farmers market here only happens on the weekends and they sell everything fresh you could possible imagine! We got fresh vegetables, fruits, fish, meats, etc. Oh by the way the money over here is called dinars. And the exchange rate is about 800 dinars is about 10 American dollars. Jan and I also drove to Mercator, which took a really long time cause there was a lot of in a city...WAY different then in Maine and the Serbians love to drive really close to each other and they have lots of scratches on their cars from getting too close! I am not sure if I can drive like this without crashing! On our way Jan and I listened to Bob Marley the comedian! He is the best!

Mercator is like a huge Shaws. We got school supplies, food, and finally come conditioner...over here they use tons of shampoo, but not a lot of conditioner! And conditioner is not called conditioner; it is called Balsam! That was a chore trying to find conditioner when it is not called conditioner! haha

When Jan and I got back, we went to Marija's game. Her team won...she did really well. After we stopped for some yummy McDonalds (so not like American fast food...they look a lot nicer and is like a treat to go to McD's). Then Alek, Marija, and Mina all played with me while Jan and Jagos took care of things.

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