Sara's Travel Blog is a way for me to share all the things I have done and learned about while I was over here in Serbia/Europe, so sit back, pour yourself a glass, and ENJOY!
*A little side note: if you are just starting to read this, start from the bottom blogs (the older blogs) and work your way to the top, so you can get the true sense of my trip!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Serbian 101

After going to the Police Station to tell them I am here and will be here for 3 months with Jagos. I went back "home;" it is weird saying home :). I unpacked all my things and made a collage of pictures around the sign Alek, Marija, and Mihailo made for me. And I attempted to do some homework (for my masters) and fell alseep for a three hour nap! OOps I was tired!

The Nanny or Nena (Nena is her name) was trying to help me around the kitchen. She was teaching me Serbian and I was struggling. She speaks very little English also. We struggled through our first day today. I had better learn this language to communicate with the people here. She said she will teach me 5 words each day; I can only remember 1 word "yabooka" (my spelling) meaning apple. The other ones were picture and beautiful, but I didn't remember them. Alek and Marija are continuing to work with me on Serbian. It is funny...if I don't understand it, they say it LOUDER and S...l....o....w....e....r..... I am like I still don't understand! haha

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