Sara's Travel Blog is a way for me to share all the things I have done and learned about while I was over here in Serbia/Europe, so sit back, pour yourself a glass, and ENJOY!
*A little side note: if you are just starting to read this, start from the bottom blogs (the older blogs) and work your way to the top, so you can get the true sense of my trip!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Food Differences

Just a little thing I have learned while I was here...the food is very different in some countries and your body takes a little while to adjust to it. About a week after I got here, I was VERY sick with diarrhea or Big D because the foods are different. I know you are probably thinking what in the world are you tell us this...well it's because no one told me that because the foods are different your body has different reactions to it. I wish they would have warned me, SO if you plan on going to another country for a while, be prepared after about a week your body may need to adjust to the different foods meaning you may get sick! I am not sure if it was just me, but we are talking losing 11 pounds in four days sick! Just a little heads up!

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