Sara's Travel Blog is a way for me to share all the things I have done and learned about while I was over here in Serbia/Europe, so sit back, pour yourself a glass, and ENJOY!
*A little side note: if you are just starting to read this, start from the bottom blogs (the older blogs) and work your way to the top, so you can get the true sense of my trip!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Girl's Day Out

Today I stayed home for one more day to relax, re-coop, and get my things organized at Jan's house! Nena was teaching me how to say the Serbian words of clothing like scarf = sholl, jacket = yak-na, pants = pant-a-loh-na (like the spanish word), and shirt = majica (may-e-sa).

Later on Jan took me out...this was the first time I had been out of the house in  days! It feels really nice getting out. Jan, Malina, Marija, and I all went shopping at the Mall. I was feeling a little homesick the day before, so it couldn't have happened at a better time besides a little shopping always makes me feel better. :) I bought a scarf that was zebra printed and sparklie.  :) It was so me I just had to buy it. It was my first time buying something in Serbia all by myself! It was great because the lady spoke English!

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