Sara's Travel Blog is a way for me to share all the things I have done and learned about while I was over here in Serbia/Europe, so sit back, pour yourself a glass, and ENJOY!
*A little side note: if you are just starting to read this, start from the bottom blogs (the older blogs) and work your way to the top, so you can get the true sense of my trip!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Avala Tower

Today I went to Avala Tower; I can see the tower from my window at Jan and Jagos' house!
This is the scene from my bedroom!

We drove all the way over and stood in line (I felt like I was in Disney :) ) Oh the tower was called Avala (Av-ah-la) or "Avalski Toranj" which means the "tower of Avala." The front of the line was near a ramp that lead you up to the bottom of the tower. 

Once to the top of the ramp, we all had to get into a REALLY crowded elevator up to the top. The elevator was really hot and CRAMPED! I was hoping it wouldn't quit half-way up because the latter on the outside of the tower was not very safe looking!! When we got to the top, Jagos took pictures of us all and I took pictures to show how far I could see. It was a little hazy, but I could see really far! On the way down, we took another picture to show how big the tower was. 

Just a little tid-bit of info. for you = the Avala Tower was destroyed when Serbia was bombed a few years ago and was just finished being built and opened only a few weeks before I got here. On the way down, we stopped at a restaurant. By the way the roads are very windy and there are two roads, one one-way going up and one one-way going down! 

The restaurant was built into the side of the mountain and had a huge  kid's play area and what looked like a theater down in the middle. The food was the best food I have eaten in Serbia!! 

The best soup I have had! It is like a stew, but more runny and the meat is so tender! YUM!

This is the clay pot that older Serbians have used to cook in and they were still using. Also see the cabbage on the plate to the right, it was soaked in vinegar and cut into slices (just like our sauerkraut) and it is served with almost all Serbian meals.

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